Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Team Ice Breakers

Using Icebreakers for Maximum Effectiveness
When choosing your icebreaker, be conscious of your group dynamic. It is important that your activity not make anyone feel uncomfortable. No one should be forced to reveal extremely personal information or participate in a stressful environment. And of course, what’s personal to some may not be personal to others.
In addition to encouraging interaction, you should try to tie your icebreaker into the topic to be discussed. Are there any points of your presentations illustrated by the activity? If so, bring them out. If not, you may want to consider choosing a different icebreaker. At the very least, “pre-call” any unrelated icebreakers by stating that their sole purpose is to introduce participants to each other and get the session moving

1 comment:

  1. The environment the focus of attention is on the training need and the participants are able to concentrate on the Team Building Activities.

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